The Auction’s Over, Now What? A Fun Guide to Picking Up Your Treasures

Congratulations, auction winners! You've successfully outbid the competition and scored some fantastic items. Now comes the exciting part - picking up your newfound treasures! Let's talk about how to make this process smooth and enjoyable for everyone involved.

First things first: Please come get your stuff! We love seeing your smiling faces and helping you load up your winnings. Plus, our storage space isn't bottomless (though sometimes we wish it was).

Can't make it yourself? No problem! You can send a friend, family member, or even that neighbor you've been trying to impress. Just remember:

1. Your designated picker-upper needs a copy of the invoice. No invoice, no items - it's like a golden ticket to Willy Wonka's Auction Factory.
2. If you're sending someone, please let us know in advance. We promise we won't give your vintage Star Wars collection to just anyone claiming to be your "long-lost cousin."

We get it - life happens. Maybe you're on a tropical vacation, sipping piña coladas and completely forgot about your auction win. Or perhaps you're dealing with an unexpected emergency, like that time a bidder had to rush his wife to the ER (don't worry, sir, your items were safe and sound until you returned).

Here's the deal: We're pretty flexible folks. If you need a little extra time or have a special circumstance, just let us know. We're here to help, not to make your life difficult. Communication is key - a quick email or phone call goes a long way.

That being said, we do have some guidelines to keep things running smoothly:

1. Check your email for pickup instructions. We promise it's not junk mail!
2. Bring your ID or invoice (on paper or your phone) when you come to collect.
3. Come prepared with appropriate vehicles and help. Your new armoire probably won't fit in a Smart Car.
4. If you absolutely can't make the scheduled pickup times, reach out to us ASAP.

Remember, we're not running a storage facility here. While we'll do our best to accommodate reasonable requests, we can't hold onto items indefinitely. Our terms and conditions do allow us to resell, remove, or dispose of unpaid or abandoned items - but we'd really rather not go down that road.

So, let's work together to get your awesome auction finds into your hands (and out of our hair) as soon as possible. We promise we don't bite, and we might even help you strategize how to sneak that life-size Elvis statue past your spouse.

Happy collecting, and we look forward to seeing you (or your designated agent) at pickup!

P.S. If you happen to win an invisibility cloak at our next auction, we kindly request you don't use it to avoid pickup. We're onto you, Harry Potter fans!



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